Friday, August 2, 2013

Visiting Artist Experience At Wexner - Day Four

My fourth day (Thursday, Aug. 1) of my artist-in-residence experience at the Wexner Center for the Arts, putting the finishing touches on my documentary Lady Wrestler, could be described as "Glitch Day."

I started out the day by heading back to the sound booth to re-record lines of narration I'd flubbed the day before. When I went to transfer the audio file to my laptop, I was scratching my head as to why the file was nowhere to be found on the SD card.

And then my friend Paul, who's a film/video editor at Wexner and has been extremely patient in helping me with my documentary project, pointed out that I'd probably forgotten to press "record" when I was in the sound booth. Oops!

After re-recording the narration once again, I had to leave to go take care of a "real world" problem: I had to go to the deputy registrar to renew my driver's license and tags. Walking down 15th Avenue on the way to my car, I was greeted by an odd sight: two young women riding horses along the street and sidewalk. Oh, the joys of being on campus!

I thought the trip to the deputy registrar was going to be a relatively simple lunch-time errand, but of course it ended up taking way longer than anticipated. Why, oh why, does the BMV refuse to take debit and credit cards and force people to go withdraw money from an ATM? And why, pray tell, do entire families stand in line together, when only one person has business at the counter?

When I finally made it back to Wexner's Film/Video department, Paul asked me to locate some files that hadn't successfully transferred from my laptop to Wexner's professional editing system. It turns out there's a corrupted file that refuses to transfer, and trying to figure out how to fix the problem gobbled up the rest of the afternoon. We finally decided to set the problem aside for the time being and start fresh tomorrow.

After a dinner break, I spent the rest of the evening editing narration while listening to some of my favorite artists over the Wexner studio's sound system: Prince, Sade, Duncan Sheik, movie soundtracks that provide inspiration.

Glitches aside, this has been an awesome experience thus far.

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