Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My 'Insanity Workout' Experience

(This post was originally published on Jan. 9, 2014)

In 2013, I tried a couple of different fitness programs. One of the ones I tried was The Insanity Workout, a 60-day program that basically boils down to taking a bootcamp-style fitness class six days a week. 

I embarked on the Insanity Workout while in the fall of 2013 while in the midst of rehearsals for The Springtime of Our Lives, my first stage play that I wrote and directed. Taking on such an intense workout while involved in such a major undertaking was – well, insane. But I actually had a really good experience with the Insanity Workout.

Unlike some fitness gurus, who spend most of their time talking, Insanity trainer Shaun Thompson (aka “Shaun T.”) does most of the workout along with the fitness models. The workouts take place in a spacious gymnasium instead of the fake-looking studios that are the backdrops in so many workout videos.

And Shaun and the Insanity producers definitely get an A-plus for diversity by including fitness models of nearly every race.
The only criticism I have of The Insanity Workout is that it’s a bit too repetitive. The same moves are done over and over, which can get monotonous, not to mention exhausting. The repetitiveness can make you start wondering in agony, "When is this ever going to be over?!"

And occasionally text appears onscreen that contrast with the visuals.  For example, a message encouraging viewers to “Never Stop” is superimposed over a shot of one of the fitness models sprawled on the floor, having given up finishing that particular exercise before the rest of the crew. Conversely, a message assuring viewers to “Take a Break When You Need To” is superimposed over a shot of a fitness model gyrating energetically.

But for the most part, I had fun doing The Insanity Workout. It was motivating to roll out of bed and know exactly what I was going to be doing as soon as my feet hit the floor – trudging down to my basement to do the day’s "insane" workout.
Overall, the Insanity Workout is worth the time, energy and sweat.


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